Requesting a sample release from the biobank
Sample extractions are requested using NLBB’s order and sample extraction request form. BioLab can be contacted first with a general enquiry. See below.
NLBB samples are also available, following a formal request from the treating physician, if they are important for the patient’s care and treatment. This is done through direct contact with the biobank. These sample release requests are dealt with promptly.
Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining access to samples and/or data, or if you have any other questions regarding service or collaboration. Email:
Biobank sample releases for researchers – Application
NLBB’s sample release request form needs to be completed, and the following attachments need to be attached.
Project plan
Project plan describing the research project.
Approved ethics application
Approved ethics application and decision from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority.
NOPHO board
NOPHO board approval via the NOPHO Scientific Board.
Biobank application
For access to samples for research, a biobank application to Uppsala Biobank needs to be completed and approved.
Once an application is approved
NLBB’s application form needs to be completed, and the following attachments need to be attached.
When requesting a sample release, we need a summary in Excel with the NOPHO and/or Castor number (study number). We only communicate using this study number, not with patient data.
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
If the samples are to be analysed and processed by an external laboratory, an MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) must be drawn up by the researcher responsible for the work to be carried out in a laboratory other than their own. The MTA means that the researcher is responsible for ensuring that information and samples are treated confidentially.
Once results have been obtained
Remaining material
Remaining material from analyses must be returned to the NLBB or destroyed. Secondary biobanking is not allowed.
Research results
Research results and publications should be reported on the NOPHO website in order to be of use to others and so that the samples are sufficient for a greater number of additional results.